100% Employment & pension :-
Government open **(*factory, *industry, *institute, *school,contract company) by public issues.
1-food & agricalture & training & service.
2-public service transport & vehicles & trainings.
3-government retail sectors industrial & online secured service to the every house.
4-software industry & services to government retail market & public.
**Public issues only for
1-non government employees & non political person like Minister MLA MP Mayor...
2-Educated public 3 & 4 years degree govt. Authorized university.
3-public who not geting early above 7,00,000 & Require PAN Card.
4-Afterwards Training from government (*factory, *industry, *institute, *school) (**who complete education school 10th-12th afterwards training)
un-educated public become educated.
Note - *Non-Conventional.
गरीब व् पढ़े लिखे बेरोजगारों को नोकरी मिलेगी व् अनपढ़ को काम ताकि वे भी आगे चलकर खुद का मकान और बच्चो को पाल सके।
**कोई आरक्षण नही होगा न धर्म न जाती के आधार पर इन कम्पनियों में।